Monday, September 21, 2009

cocktail, anyone?

The hormonal cocktail, that is. Combined with a side of too-much-Google pie. Why did I go to the March of D.imes site and read abut increased developmental issues for babies born between 35 and 37 weeks? Why was I trucking up the stairs just hours before my Thursday appt. thinking, "I am a fit pregnant gal. Look at me go!" Ah, hubris.

Luckily, contractions have hardly been an issue. KNOCK WOOD!!! However, my achy pelvis and my ever-lower belly are telling me that baby has hit the down button on the elevator and now I am starting to worry that my water will break.

I know, I know-baby will probably be fine and many are born a lot earlier. I'm just hoping he is listening when his mommy tells him how good he's got it: his own private pool and personal buffet? That is luxury, sonny boy.

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