Saturday, January 31, 2009

Free G.onal-f

Does anyone know of a way to donate unused meds? I wrote to Resolve, but time is of the essence, so I'm putting it out there to my cyber-sistas.  Shelf life is 30 days once a med is opened, right? I started stimming on the 2oth and have a good amount of the stuff left...oh, and it seems to work, by the way. They hoovered 32 eggs out of me today. One more step. Each one is such a big deal, no? Oh, wait: I have one more question. They also found and removed an endometrioma (also known as a chocolate cyst). Now, I looove chocolate, but yecchhh-not on my ovaries. Chocolate covered eggs, anyone? Ahemm, seriously: Anyone have words of wisdom here? I looked this up, but mostly found info. about removing them before a cycle (too late for that). Thanks.


  1. I've heard some clinics will take it off your hands--have you asked your own docs?

  2. Hi GradeA-- 32!?!??! Congratulations! That is awesome. And also great that they could deal with the endo at the same time. And your clinic may take the meds- usually just the unopened ones, but you can always ask-- there are always folks who are in need/want. (if you had follistim or menopur, I would be begging shamelessly)
    Good luck! transfer tomorrow? or later in the week?

  3. 32 eggs are wonderful! Congrats! And I love your term for the ER (hoovered) so funny! Not sure about the meds, but I'm sure you could find someone who can use them. As for the cyst, I signed a consent allowing my RE to drain any cysts during ER. Maybe the same for you? Anyway, rest up, and I hope you get a great fert report!

  4. i had those chocolate cysts from clomid during my IUIs but haven't heard about your situation before. seems like it should be okay since they have removed it?

  5. I don't know if this is still a question, but I popped over from Cyclesista and saw this. I just gave mine to the RE to donate to someone w/o insurance since we didn't have it either. Wishing you lots of luck!
